Monday, April 12, 2010


We have just released ASB360 Version 1.7.0 and would like to share with you the upgrades and new features that been added or affected: 



1.       Initial Setup has been improved to make it more user friendly.  All account editing is done on one tab now instead of multiple tabs.

2.       Account Admin has been simplified and is capable of removing an account now.

3.       Club Admin has been more simplified and is able to add both a revenue and expenditure account to the club. 

4.       Fundraiser – No longer required to have a club to create a fundraiser, only needed if they would like to keep track by clubs.

5.       Journal Entries – Made to have auto numbering and has been simplified.

6.       Transaction Reports – Speed has been dramatically increased.

7.       Account statement – Format has changed to show more detail.

8.       Bank Reconciliation – Format has changed slightly to make more user friendly.


We have also made changes to the program as a whole to improve speed and functionality. 



You will need to do an upgrade to your Point of Sale Application as well.  To do so, please go to and save the file then run through the installation which should only take a few moments.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me Matthew Saatlou at (209) 834-0556.